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Prayer Ministries

Hope Church is a praying church. We believe in the power and importance of prayer, and we are working to expand our prayer ministries to help Hope Church grow. Every baptized believer is called to be a person of prayer, and we invite everyone to become part of our prayer ministries. Our prayer ministries are growing, and God is answering our prayers! We give thanks to God for the many healings and other help people have received through the power of prayer here at Hope Church

The Prayer Chain is composed of those who commit to pray for others on a daily basis. Each prayer partner decides how many people they would like to pray for, receives a list of names to lift up in prayer, and receives periodic updates by phone or e-mail. To become a prayer partner, or to submit a prayer request, contact the church office.

Prayer Quilts bring hope, comfort and healing to those most seriously ill. Made by volunteers in the congregation and blessed by everyone at our three worship services and prayer meeting, we bring them to the sick and dying as a sign of God's never-failing love.

Prayer Group Tuesday, 7:30 - 8:30 PM: This weekly group meets in the pastor’s office for personal sharing, group prayer and bible study. All are welcome!

Healing Service: Experience the healing power of prayer at a special healing service, held periodically, where we open ourselves to the healing presence of God through silence, singing, Bible reading, prayer and Holy Communion. 


Prayer Walking is a way of blessing the people and places where we live, work and worship. We encourage you to take time each week to walk down your street or through your neighborhood with a partner. As you go, ask God to help you see your community and the people in it through God’s eyes. Pray quietly together for the people you see and the homes and businesses you pass by. You may stop from time to time to focus your prayer on a particular place or situation.


Individual prayer, including anointing and laying on of hands for healing, is offered at the altar rail 15 minutes before each Sunday worship service year round. Bring your requests for healing, divine guidance, forgiveness, any other personal need, or just to receive a blessing.

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